Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Little Sheep

My children are natural knitters. S helped me teach a Mother/Daughter knitting class yesterday and today. She can knit, purl, bind off, cast off, and knit 2 together (she fixes any mistakes w/ k2tog.) She did the bind off demo, today, while I did the talking. I loved having her there with me. She was so happy because she got paid for the class also (I ended up giving her more than half.) Right now she is working on a teddy bear, she has the head, body and one arm done. She might need her own Ravelry account soon.

S was knitting in bed tonight so T decided to get in on the action. I found some leftover yarn (in blue-green - his favorite colors) and size 8 needles. I showed him and then held my hand over his so he could get the feel. It seemed to come easy to him, he even remember that the yarn has to go counter-clockwise around the needle - if he did it the wrong way he would say "that's not right" and correct it. Many of my adult students have a hard time understanding when they are going the wrong way. His tension is excellent, the stitches are perfect.

I am so happy to share my hobby with my children. I sat on their floor for about an hour tonight, talking, watching them knit and correcting any little boo-boos. Like I said, they are natural knitters.


Gwen said...

That's fabulous!

Lanora said...

You're lucky to have a constant knitting companion 24/7! How wonderful.

Princessliak said...

Like mother like son/daughter... how could they not have knitting in their genes.

Allison said...

Fun! I can't wait to teach Skyler how to knit too. But tofu bologna??