Sunday, April 27, 2008


This weekend I was at Girl Scout camp for outdoor training. I set up my tent all by myself.

We had a full weekend- hiking, archery, fire starting, knot tying, cooking, tent pitching, singing, and knife safety.

I used a latrine for the first time in my life, wow, that was an experience.

The weather was rather chilly. Friday night I froze and Saturday night it rained. I also realized that my Girl Scouts are not ready to camp out at a campsite; we are going to start with backyard camping this year.

We learned a lot of different ways to cook outside. This is a "vagabond" stove made from a coffee can, tuna can, corrugated cardboard, and wax, it's great for make grilled cheese or hot dogs. We also used a box stove, dutch ovens, and pie irons.


Allison said...

so was this just for leaders?

and is it me, or are these word verification thingies getting harder?

Lara said...

White pants at outdoor training? Impressive.

Aren't latrines lovely? Breathe through your shirt in there.