Monday, December 14, 2009

December weekend

What a crazy weekend!! Saturday we begin with Festival of Giving for Girl Scouts. We did some crafts, community service and tried the "new" Lemonade cookie. I was happy to see the lady from Female and Fearless. ST took her girl's self defense seminar last year and it was very informative. This time she had a new Ford and taught the girls how to pull the glow in the dark latch to get out of a trunk if they are ever stuck inside. ST said it was very dark inside once she closed the trunk.

A few hours later it was time for TT's 9th birthday party. We had 10 kids running around partying like Rockstars. Three kids slept over, but they didn't really sleep. They stayed up most of the night playing video games and being loud.

Sunday we had our first adult rec league volleyball game. We lost both games but it was fun.

Lastly, Sunday night we went on a limo ride to see Christmas lights. D and his weight lose team won the limo ride in the summer but saved it for the Christmas light tour.

The limo was huge and the kids were quite impressed. For two hours we rode around , drank soda, and ohhhed and ahhhed over the amazing lights.
The weekend was very full but overall very fun.
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