Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bathroom Update

 Well, the bathroom is not exactly where I wanted it to be when we returned to school, after spring break, but there are many improvements. The walls are up and painted and the floor is ready for tile.
 I am hopefully that this weekend will bring the completion of this phase of the bathroom remodel.
During the break, I also found a little time for crafting. I started this blanket back in July of 2010(!!) It had been hibernating on my couch waiting for me to come back to it. Since I had a large influx of Lamb's Pride wool in many beautiful colors I decided to pick up the hook again. It feels great to finish a row and see the way the colors flow together. 


Lanora said...

The new bathroom is exciting and someday I will start a ripple blanket!

Sparkly Rosie said...

The blanket making is inspiring!


vuhelp.net said...

So nice blogger