Friday, January 4, 2008

iPod and the Dog

See this huge dent in T's iPod, that he just got for Christmas. This is why the dog will be sleeping outside tonight.


Allison said...

whimper whimper

Princessliak said...

Bad dog... they do grow out of this phase, I assure you. Parker ate a cell phone and then never chewed anything again.

Anonymous said...

lol...I feel for you jackie! -Jessica

Rhonda said...

It does give the iPod a certain aire of distinction--don't you think? Nah, me neither.....Your dog is lucky to only have one night outside!!! One of my dogs chewed an ENTIRE set of leather bound encyclopedias when we were at work. With as much knowledge as he digested, you'd think he'd be a little smarter. He's not.