Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day after Christms

I hope that you got everything on your Christmas list! The big Santa gifts this year included a skateboard for T and iPods and iDogs for both the kids. T has been asking for a skateboard for two years and we finally gave in. Luck for him, there is a little skatepark about a mile from my aunt's house and D and my cousin took him over to try it out. He even slept with the skateboard last night.

S's iPod is now permanently attached to her ears. I loaded all their favorite CDs and purchased some new iTunes before I wrapping up the iPods.

Also, just a reminder that today is the last day to e-mail your Lia questions in order to receive an amazing prize so get on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the part on A Christmas Story when the boy sleeps with his Zeppelin Xmas present. I can picture T sleeping with his 'board!